baramdah house
baramdah house sections
baramdah house sections
baramdah house sections
In the Baramda house, Tarachand’s day starts off by waking up early in the morning, and making a cup of tea after which he and his wife practice Yoga on their large terrace. During the afternoons he spends his time in the room watching TV. The evenings are again repeated with the same routine of making his cup of chai and walking around the terrace. Tarachand rarely moves outside and confines himself to his property. Their newer extension has resulted in integrating their old verandah to the inside of the house, and creating a more private space for themselves. His older brother Parshuram lives in the older part of the house, yet they rarely interact with each other. A family of 5 members live in the old house. There is an overlap of houses here; the bedroom on the first floor belongs to Parshuram and the room below is part of Tarachand's house and the rest of the house is occupied by Tarachand and his family.
baramdah house plans