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residential cluster 4

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Behind the Fort temple complex , one sees a cluster of houses of the Koli settlement . At the highest levels of pangna these houses are built on  levelled slopes , on much steeper terrain. 
   The house type is mainly characterised by the division of spaces according to the living and the work. Generally, the ground floor of these 1 to 2 floor houses is a cowshed and the living happens on the floors above. As most of the people from this cluster work as daily wage workers or in the agriculture  fields below ,the segregation of the spaces  also happens through the levels of the terrain.While the  agriculture fields or gardens are on the level below ,generally on the next level  before entering the inside of the  house we see a front yard or a patio.This front yard is used for sorting of crops and other activities related to work and leisure. Some  houses also have wood storage extended to the main house.
After that we see a verandah facing the front and connected to it are the individual rooms .Owing to the slope, the pathways reaching to the next level of the terrain become staircases and entryways for the next floor of the house, Thus they don't have  staircases from the inside.

residential cluster 4 plan

residential cluster 4 section





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